Monday, March 21, 2011

who are you?

i feel so grateful to have been raised the way i did. i am so happy that i turned out to be the person i am today. i know i have flaws. i know i am not perfect. when it's all said and done i want to know that i have been a good example to those around me. i want to be someone who people want to be like. so what if i don't have a bikini body? so what that i don't have the highest gpa at asu? (both of the previous statements are easier said than done...)

i don't want to be known as "the girl who did..." or said something, etc. i want to be someone who is looked up to, whether it be in person, or when people are FB stalking me (all my creepers, don't you even deny it..).

recently i started reading a churchy book. with school and everything in life going on i usually don't have time to read, but even just reading 15 pages into this book has thrown me for a reality check. are we one person by day and someone else by night? are we one person at church and another person at home? are we one person with some people and another person with others?

here is the challenge for the day (aka week, month, year, or lifetime):

BE YOURSELF all day EVERY DAY. don't fall into the ways of other people. be who you are for you, not for anyone else.

that's a wrap.


1 comment:

  1. You my girl are something so special...... So wise beyond your years, You amaze me. I know I sound like such a "mom", but you make me almost cry, I'm so proud of you. Love this blog! Can I be you when I grow up.......
