i gave a talk on sunday on charity. i don't usually have a hard time writing talks but for some reason this one didn't come very easy. maybe because charity can be interpreted so many different ways..anyways, i spoke with 3 other "college kids" from the ward which was kinda cool. i was such an emotional bawl baby! it was ridiculous. usually i get emotional/choked up when i bare my testimony but SHOOT i was crying before i even gave my talk.
it's funny how picking out talk topics works out. it usually happens to be like the one thing that i need to work on or something for me to learn about. i feel blessed for getting the opportunity to learn.
on another note, it was my last sunday in my family ward. i am SUPER nervous about switching over to a single's ward but it just is time. i don't know how to explain it other than it just feels like i need to move on. i am so sad about leaving my sunbeams. seriously. i broke down in tears telling the bishop i was going to switch because i didn't want to leave my sunbeams (i know..this does not help my claim stated above that i am not an emotional wreck..). i am going to miss them! i had the best class ever. they said the cutest things and i could always feel love from them. whether it be a cute statement about how they thought the bishop was jesus's dad or telling me how beautiful my earrings were. so sweet. it makes me so excited to have a family of my own (now...just to find a husband)..haha just kidding. i am not on the prowl.
anyways, this is my long and boring update of a post to let people know i am still alive. in closing, i would like to leave a quote from my talk on charity.
"If you judge people, you have no time to love them."
~Mother Theresa